I words I
Each day we hear many words. Words from people we know very well, hardly or not at all. These words can be positive or negative but whether they are good or bad, they trigger in us something. Words can bring joy, fear, worry, sadness, pain, etc. We must daily decide what words we will say, this process happens within seconds, and is mostly unconscious.
Words have power. Words can speak life and death. Words are full of power, but most of the time we are unaware of it.
Bullying. Rumors. Character assassination. Ladies, we gossip, and we love it. Gossip, we find it anywhere on the playground, at the university, at work, on FB, and also in the community. We talk about what's happening at our neighbors, the friend of ours that couldn't be here tonight, the relationship crisis of Nadine and Tim. We make fun of others, put others in a negative light, we talk and talk.
We talk as we reflect, it's just talking right? Wrong.
I talk too much, too much about others, even though I know all too well what words can do. Maybe your schooling is a few years behind you, maybe you're right in the middle of it now - for me it is not too long ago. As I think of examples the power of words throughout my life, there is no shortage. I have been pretty well acquainted with bullying. It was many years my faithful companion. I was the recipient of bullying, for years I was a constant topic of conversation, hearing again and again ugly, nasty and humiliating words about me.
I was not always the victim, but I was often enough and for long enough. At some point I realized that I became my own victim. I started to believe the things people said about me. Their voices were so loud, so strong, and often there more than own voice dictating my identity. I did not know what voice to believe. There was always a very quiet voice that was the opposite of what I was believing.
A gentle voice that told me "I am with you. I'm here for you. I see you. You're beautiful. You have a wrong, twisted picture of who you are. I have created you wonderful. I know the truth. "
The still, small voice - the voice of God. The voice of truth. Those words had power over me, in such a good way.
For a long time, the other voices drowned out His voice. I started to believe the lies. I accepted the words of others for a long time and suddenly they were also my own words. I began to condemn myself. Harsh words. Ugly words. I started to judge and pronounce harsh judgments over myself and others. Sometimes out loud, sometimes quiet, but mostly in my heart.
I have worked hard to change my thoughts as I care about other people, to change my words that I say about others. I will not be bitter because people have hurt me. I do not want to be a woman that intentionally hurts others by her words. I want to think good thoughts about other people, I want to speak in truth and love. And when I talk about someone else, I want to talk as if the person I'm talking about is standing right next to me!
It is a decision.
It is a process.
It is a life's work.
Let us be women and men who do not gossip. Let us not spread lies and rumors. Let us not instigate dispute and uncertainty through our words. Let us be people who celebrate other people - their beauty and success. Let's speak out words of love, truth and wisdom.
You actually what authority you have in your words and deeds. You can destroy other people, or you can build. You have a God-given authority, and you can use in the right way or take advantage of it.
What words will you say today?
Each day we hear many words. Words from people we know very well, hardly or not at all. These words can be positive or negative but whether they are good or bad, they trigger in us something. Words can bring joy, fear, worry, sadness, pain, etc. We must daily decide what words we will say, this process happens within seconds, and is mostly unconscious.
Words have power. Words can speak life and death. Words are full of power, but most of the time we are unaware of it.
Bullying. Rumors. Character assassination. Ladies, we gossip, and we love it. Gossip, we find it anywhere on the playground, at the university, at work, on FB, and also in the community. We talk about what's happening at our neighbors, the friend of ours that couldn't be here tonight, the relationship crisis of Nadine and Tim. We make fun of others, put others in a negative light, we talk and talk.
We talk as we reflect, it's just talking right? Wrong.
I talk too much, too much about others, even though I know all too well what words can do. Maybe your schooling is a few years behind you, maybe you're right in the middle of it now - for me it is not too long ago. As I think of examples the power of words throughout my life, there is no shortage. I have been pretty well acquainted with bullying. It was many years my faithful companion. I was the recipient of bullying, for years I was a constant topic of conversation, hearing again and again ugly, nasty and humiliating words about me.
I was not always the victim, but I was often enough and for long enough. At some point I realized that I became my own victim. I started to believe the things people said about me. Their voices were so loud, so strong, and often there more than own voice dictating my identity. I did not know what voice to believe. There was always a very quiet voice that was the opposite of what I was believing.
A gentle voice that told me "I am with you. I'm here for you. I see you. You're beautiful. You have a wrong, twisted picture of who you are. I have created you wonderful. I know the truth. "
The still, small voice - the voice of God. The voice of truth. Those words had power over me, in such a good way.
For a long time, the other voices drowned out His voice. I started to believe the lies. I accepted the words of others for a long time and suddenly they were also my own words. I began to condemn myself. Harsh words. Ugly words. I started to judge and pronounce harsh judgments over myself and others. Sometimes out loud, sometimes quiet, but mostly in my heart.
I have worked hard to change my thoughts as I care about other people, to change my words that I say about others. I will not be bitter because people have hurt me. I do not want to be a woman that intentionally hurts others by her words. I want to think good thoughts about other people, I want to speak in truth and love. And when I talk about someone else, I want to talk as if the person I'm talking about is standing right next to me!
It is a decision.
It is a process.
It is a life's work.
Let us be women and men who do not gossip. Let us not spread lies and rumors. Let us not instigate dispute and uncertainty through our words. Let us be people who celebrate other people - their beauty and success. Let's speak out words of love, truth and wisdom.
You actually what authority you have in your words and deeds. You can destroy other people, or you can build. You have a God-given authority, and you can use in the right way or take advantage of it.
What words will you say today?